Hi! Welcome aboard. This is Hey Hunter!, my travel blog/design portfolio/overall fantasyland. Writing, design, coding, photography, smashing things together, it’s all here. I just returned from a 15 month trip through Latin America and was managed to get all the adventure into one blog. I started and ended in Mexico and got all the way down to southern Chile. Some of it was hard, other times easy, but none it was how I thought it would be.
After 11 years away, I am back in my hometown of Tampa. Since leaving I have worked in Austin, Chicago, Washington D.C. and taken a remote job from Canada all the way to southern Chile. For now though, living out of a backpack is over and I am looking forward to living like a normal person. I can’t wait to get back into music, actually make a group of friends, see my parents on the semi-regular and live near the water.
Currently I am searching for a job designing/writing for the web. Be that WordPress work, copywriting, helping with design or assisting with marketing, I am interested in the type of work it took for me to build this blog. At first I made this blog as just something to do off to the side, I like projects. But as days on the road built up, I learned so much about what it takes to put your own looks into a site.
Below is a map of everywhere I am have been to since traveling and blogging became a thing for me about three years ago. Zoom in and around! All the little faces are links to a blog post.