Where I’ve been thus far =>


As most of you reading already know, I left Austin w/Nancy (my bombshell of a 2001 Toyota Corolla) last April in a fit of career confusion. All I really knew for sure was that I was bored and needed a change. I had been saying this in town for the better part of a year and this “change” just hadn’t happened.

So, w/o a real good idea if this new idea was going to be a good idea, I thought if I leave town and live a completely different life, then a “change” is bound to happen, right? My original plan was to move to a farm in NM, which I did, but the plan evolved into changing hosts every few weeks. I find fun, non-axe-murdering strangers via HelpX, which you can read about here.

Starting in Austin, TX and ending where I reside currently in New York, NY, below is a map of all my stops.

Also, this map is live, so move it around, zoom in n’ out, click the lettered stops to see city names.

View Larger Map

101_0506So far I’ve clocked 6,400 miles w/Nancy since April, for a total, according to Google, of almost 105 hours of driving. It’s been a lot more, trust me. I wish I was one of those totalitarian drivers who never stops, but I’m kinda wimpy, known to stop once an hour, even if for a minute to get out and stretch the limps.

While I hope to get in more Canada time, fate has only allowed me one visit into Victoria. I did get a chance to get the whole gang on a boat to cross from one country to another. It was a tad expensive to put the ride on a ferry, but it was a great experience. And it went so fast!

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